Make a request for the service. We will contact you shortly, we will answer all your questions.
Many of our clothing we wear require special care. You’ve probably noticed more than once that your clothes have become dull, the colors are not so bright,and some spots also appeared here and there. But if items are made from expensive and delicate fabrics, it is not always possible to remove stains at home without damaging the fiber structure. In this case, we are ready to provide you with high-quality cleaning service for your garment — blouses, T-shirts, trousers, shorts.
How does AQUACLEANING of fabrics works?
The most important thing in AQUACLEANING process is to soak fabrics in special solutions, treating stains with cleaning agents and the last stage — washing in special professional machines using effective wash enhancers and detergents. Bring us your favorite belongins — you will be pleased with the results.